Craftsman Skills

Craftsman Skills
List: Miscellaneous
Cost: 3
Skill Type: Miscellaneous
Tagged: No
Purchase: Multi
Duration: Constant

This set of skills allows a character to create in-game commodities not covered elsewhere in these rules. The character needs to pay 100% of the production cost only, not the 110% non-craftsman must pay to the Treasure Manager obtain the item. The Treasure Manager will then give the character a tag for their product.

A player may never charge in-game money for an out-of-game physical representation of the commodity, but may charge out-ofgame money for it.

For example, Juno the Baker wishes to sell her brownies in-game. The player pays the production cost to treasure and receives her tags. Now she can charge the going rate of 1 cp and $0.50 per brownie, she may not charge extra ingame money for the actual brownie.

The list of approved craftsman skills is listed below. If a character wishes to have a skill not listed below the new skill must be approved by the normal process of adding a new skill to the game.

Craftsman Skill

Allows the character to make any flavor of beer, ale, or lager

Allows the character to make any flavor of wine, mead, or sparkling wine.

Allows the character to make any flavor of brandy, whiskey, or hard spirit

Allows the character to make any kind of food including desserts and candy

Gem Cutter
Allows the character to cut a gem into two gems of any value each with a combined worth of 10% less than the original. Each time a gem is cut, the total value is reduced by 10%.

Allows the character to combine refined metals and/or gems into jewelry. There is no net increase in the value of the piece of jewelry. Costume jewelry or jewelry with no in-game intrinsic value can be made for free.

For a player’s character, there is never any net profit in making any of the above commodities; the raw material cost is the intrinsic value of the product. It is assumed the character does not have the time, resources or production facilities to make profitable merchandise.

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